Taoism 道教
道教(タオイズム Taoism)と呼ぶ。
Tao という語は
サンスクリット語 Rta からきている。
Rta は反り舌音であるため
発音しない場合は Ta そして Tao となる。
Taoism 道教 - 中国のタントラ
by 師匠バガヴァン
Bhagavan Shri Shanmukha Anantha Natha aka Palani Swami
In this video, Bhagavan Shri Shanmukha explains that Tantra was practiced throughout the world. Using examples, Bhagavan Shri Shanmukha shows that Tantra was practiced in Buddhism, Christianity, Islam etc… and every culture has Tantra as a higher principle. Bhagavan says “The whole world was practicing Tantra but it was the higher education of the spiritual world…” –